Charpentier Nederlandse Taalles – Leer leuk en effectief! › Forums › NT2 (staatsexamen) › Sharing my learning experience (one time pass for nt2 b2 exams)
Tags: B2, exams, NT2-progamma II
- Dit onderwerp bevat 1 reactie, 2 deelnemers, en is laatst geüpdatet op 9 jaren, 7 maanden geleden door
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- augustus 2, 2015 om 6:49 pm #279
DeelnemerHi everyone,
My name is Chance and I am from China.
I have been living in Holland for around two years now. I have just passed my B2 exam, so I thought I could share some experiences with you.When I just arrived here I started looking around for Dutch classes. On internet I read a lot of stories from people who had taken expensive Dutch language classes but were really not satisfied with those classes in the end. This was a reason for me to decide that I wanted to do it without any classes. Self studying as they call it.
1. My books recommendation for B2 self study:
– A Dutch grammar book (if you can find it in your own mother language, that would be the best)
– Delftse Methode: ‘Tweede Ronde (B1)’ en ‘Derde Ronde (B2)’. Of course you can start with the green book (A2) of de Delftse Methode.
– Exam practicing books. Start doing this at least one month before your exam.
a. ‘Schrijven op B2’ (Uitgeverij Boom)
b. ‘Spreken op B2’ (Uitgeverij Boom). I didn’t use it because it was not available yet. But I believe it is available now.
c. For learning to read and listen I would recommend you to use the practice exams from the DUO website.
2. For me the most difficult part was the Dutch grammar. That’s why I took one month lessons from Leon before my exam.During that month Leon helped me with the most critical points that I still needed to learn. Also practicing the speaking with Leon was really helpful. He thought me some strategies for answering the speaking exam questions.
3. I collected my Dutch vocabulary from everywhere; TV (Watch with Dutch subtitles on….and later without), Newspapers, books and daily life. It helps a lot to try to talk Dutch with other people. I think it is a good idea to use as much Dutch language around you as you can.
I first finished my exam for speaking and writing, after one month I finished my other two exams. So it is ok if you don’t want to do the exams all in one time. It gives you more breathing space and time to learn.
Ok, I hope this can be of any help with you. If you have any questions, please let me know.
- augustus 2, 2015 om 7:00 pm #280
SleutelbeheerderGreat job Chance!!!
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