What is it?
What is the NT2 State Exam?
Different from the ‘Inburgeringsexamen‘ (civic integration exam), the NT2 exam is more focussed on the Dutch language. People choose to do NT2 if they want to learn Dutch language on a higher level with the purpose of doing work in the Netherlands where the Dutch language plays an important role, or if they want to follow Dutch education. If you passed your NT2 exam it is not necessary any more to do the ‘Inburgerexamen’.
What can I do with it?
What can I do with my NT2 diploma?
The NT2 Exam can be done on different levels (The Dutch government calls it programmes). The higher the level the more opportunities you have concerning work and education.
Programme I (B1)
If you pass your NT2 programme I exam, than your knowledge of Dutch language is good enough to do work on MBO level (MBO stands for middelbaar beroepsonderwijs and means something like intermediate vocational education). You can think about work in social care, technical jobs, ICT, and many other, mostly practical jobs. Of course, it all depends on your background and previous education where you can get hired.
With a NT2-diploma programme I you can also do schooling on Dutch mbo-schools. Keep in mind that schools can have demands besides only having a NT2-diploma. This may depend on what kind of study you want to attend.
The NT2 State Exam Programme I equals language level B1 of the Europees Referentiekader (ERK) / Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
Programme II (B2)
With a Programme II NT2-diploma your Dutch is good enough to work and study on the level of hbo, or university. Hbo stands for hoger beroepsonderwijs and means something like higher vocational education, or university of applied sciences. The programme II exam is therefore more difficult than the programme I exam.
With a programme II diploma in your pocket you can apply for schooling on a Dutch hbo-school or a university. Keep in mind that, depending on which school and which study, there can be extra demands for applying.
The NT2 State Exam Programme II equals language level B2 of the Europees Referentiekader (ERK) / Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
What else?
What else do I need to know about the NT2 exam?
If you were obligated to integrate (inburgeringsplichtig) for Dutch law before the 1st of January 2015, than the NT2 State Exam consists of four different parts;
- Writing
- Reading
- Listening
- Speaking
If you are obligated to integrate for Dutch law after the 1st of January 2015, than the exam consists of six different parts;
- Writing
- Reading
- Listening
- Speaking
- Kennis Nederlandse Maatschappij (Knowledge of Dutch Society)
- Oriƫntatie op de Nederlandse Arbeidsmarkt (Orientation on the Dutch Labour Market)
For every part there is one exam. After you passed all your exams, you will get your NT2-diploma.
Here is an informational movie about the NT2-exam. It is in Dutch and made in 2012. Keep in mind that the latest information about the exams ‘Kennis Nederlandse Maatschappij’ and ‘OriĆ«ntatie op de Nederlandse Arbeidsmarkt’ are not yet included in this video.
For more information about NT2 you can check out the following links:
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Do you want to sign up for an online course at Charpentier Dutch Language Training? Or do you just want some information about it? Don’t hesitate to fill in the form below and I will respond as fast as possible.
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